Hi, I'm Marek Narkiewicz 👋

I'm a CEO, CTO and Entrepeneur


Hi, I'm Marek Narkiewicz 👋

I'm a CEO, CTO and Entrepeneur

Leadership Fundamentals - The 5 Essential Characteristics of a High-Performing Team

4 minutes
October 5, 2023

What are the 5 essential characteristics of a high-performing team? 🚀

AI generated team of superheroes (AI is still learning about faces)

AI generated team of superheroes (AI is still learning about faces)

The 5 Essential Characteristics of a High-Performing Team

I was recently asked how a leader can tell if a team is high-performing. I realised pretty quickly into my response that I was too focused on output, which can often be misleading. Just because a team delivers well, doesn’t mean that they are performing to their highest level, and that their output couldn’t be even better. I later sat down and reflected, and wrote out the main ’tells’ that reassure me that a team is truly high-performing.

In the ever-evolving world of business and innovation, the significance of high-performing teams cannot be understated. Teams that function at a truly high level consistently outpace their competition and drive innovation. But what makes a team “high-performing”? How can leaders foster an environment where teamwork goes beyond mere collaboration to achieve exceptional results? Delving into this, I present the five essential characteristics that set these power-packed teams apart.

1. Clear Purpose and Goals:
At the heart of every high-performing team lies a defining sense of purpose. This isn’t just about understanding ‘what’ tasks need to be done; it’s about knowing ‘why’ it matters at all. When a team understands its overarching mission and the objectives it aims to achieve, every action becomes purpose-driven. This clarity not only fuels motivation but also ensures that all efforts are aligned in the same direction, propelling the team towards success. It’s important not to conflate purpose with goals, or teams with individuals in understanding these characteristics. A good leader is vital in making sure that team members understand and can explain both their, and the team’s purpose as well as goals.

2. Open and Effective Communication:
Imagine a team as the figurative ‘well-oiled machine’. Just as a machine’s parts need to function in complete synchrony, team members need to be in constant and clear communication. In high-performing teams, barriers to communication are minimal. Members are encouraged to share ideas freely, provide constructive feedback, and resolve conflicts in a positive and open manner. This ensures that everyone remains informed, engaged, and ready to contribute. Sometimes this is easier to note by its absence, as a single voice dominating a planning meeting, or members of the team that seldom offer opinions can be indicators of sub-optimal communication within it.

3. Complementary Skills and Diverse Perspectives:
One of the most impressive aspects of a successful team is the amalgamation of different skills and experiences. High-performing teams leverage this diversity to its fullest. They bring together individuals with varied expertise, ensuring a holistic approach to problem-solving. Furthermore, having diverse perspectives means the team can approach challenges from multiple angles, leading to innovative solutions that a more homogenous group might miss. Diversity can stem from so many characteristics that aren’t obvious, and relies on constant attention to prevent its loss. Some schools of thought promote regularly rotating team members to guard against homogenisation setting in through familiarity and shared cultural experience within the team.

4. Strong Trust and Mutual Respect:
A chain is as strong as its weakest link, and in the realm of teams, trust forms the chain. Members of a high-performing team trust each other implicitly, knowing that every individual will perform their role to the best of their ability. Hand in hand with trust comes mutual respect. Recognising and valuing the strengths and contributions of peers creates a positive atmosphere where members feel valued and empowered. Good obvious indicators are team members seeking out the opinions of their peers on topics they consider them to be expert on. The indication here is twofold: they both respect and trust the opinion of the expert, and also trust them to offer the time and provide expertise willingly without diminishing the requester in their eyes.

5. Accountability and Shared Responsibility:
While individual brilliance is important, high-performing teams understand the importance of collective responsibility. Every member takes ownership of their role, ensuring their tasks are completed with diligence. But more than that, there’s a shared sense of responsibility. If one member stumbles, others are ready to step in and support, ensuring that the team as a whole remains on track. When tasks are shared among the group, it is often clear whether or not this characteristic appears, as members are proactive and clear in taking and sharing ownership where appropriate.

In Conclusion:
Building a high-performing team isn’t about assembling a group of top-tier professionals; it’s about fostering an environment where these five essential characteristics can thrive. By focusing on purpose, communication, diversity of skills, trust, and accountability, leaders can create teams that aren’t just effective but are truly exceptional in their endeavors. Whether you’re building a team from scratch or refining an existing one, keeping these characteristics in mind will help leaders build, develop and evaluate their teams to high-performance.