Hi, I'm Marek Narkiewicz 👋

I'm a CEO, CTO and Entrepeneur


Hi, I'm Marek Narkiewicz 👋

I'm a CEO, CTO and Entrepeneur

Advanced AI Topics - Embeddings

3 minutes
October 27, 2023

How do robots compare things? 🤖

It’s an older meme, but it checks out

It’s an older meme, but it checks out

Demystifying Embeddings: Making Sense of Complex Data

A term which usually only crops up in technical discussions, “embeddings” are actually one of the fundamental tools that are enabling the current surge in AI capabilities. Have you ever wondered how computers understand and make sense of the vast amount of information they process every day? A crucial concept that helps them do this is “embeddings.” Don’t let the technical jargon scare you away; in this blog post, we’ll break down embeddings in simple terms using real-world examples, so you can grasp their significance and application in our digital world.

What Are Embeddings?

At its core, embeddings are a way for computers to represent complex data, such as words, images, or even people, in a more understandable and manageable form. Think of embeddings as a universal language that allows computers to translate and relate different types of information.

Example 1: Word Embeddings

Imagine you’re writing a story, and you want a computer to understand the meaning of words. Words like “cat” and “dog” might seem straightforward to us, but computers need a little help. Word embeddings transform these words into numerical vectors, where each word has a unique set of coordinates in a multi-dimensional space.

For instance, in the word embedding space, “cat” and “dog” might be closer together because they share similarities, like being animals, while “car” might be farther away because it’s not related to them. This mathematical representation allows computers to understand word relationships, like finding synonyms or detecting the context of a word in a sentence.

Example 2: Face Embeddings

Let’s switch to another example: recognizing faces. Computers can’t see faces like we do, but they can use face embeddings to represent and compare them. When you take a selfie, the computer converts your facial features into a unique numerical code. This code is your face’s embedding.

When you unlock your phone using facial recognition, it’s comparing the current face in front of the camera with the stored face embeddings to decide if they match. If they do, voila! Your phone unlocks.

Embeddings in Real Life

Here are some practical applications of embeddings in our everyday lives:

  1. Search Engines: When you search for “best restaurants,” embeddings help search engines understand your query and retrieve relevant results by matching words and their meanings.

  2. Recommendation Systems: Services like Netflix use embeddings to recommend movies based on your past preferences, finding similarities in the embeddings of movies you’ve liked.

  3. Social Media: Facebook uses face embeddings for tagging friends in photos, recognizing faces in images, and suggesting friends you might know.

Why Embeddings Matter

Embeddings are the bridge between the abstract world of data and the human world of understanding. They allow computers to process, analyze, and make decisions based on complex information that would otherwise be overwhelming. By converting data into a more meaningful format, embeddings enable a wide range of applications that simplify our digital interactions and improve our online experiences. This method is driving a huge growth area in technology startups, namely Vector Databases, which are intended to simplify the storage, comparisons and retrieval of this kind of data.

In conclusion, embeddings are a fundamental concept that helps computers understand and relate diverse data in a way that mirrors human cognition. They play a crucial role in many aspects of our digital lives, from language understanding to image recognition, making our interactions with technology more efficient and user-friendly. So the next time you benefit from a recommendation, search result, or a facial recognition unlock, remember that embeddings are working behind the scenes to make it all happen.