Hi, I'm Marek Narkiewicz đź‘‹

I'm a CEO, CTO and Entrepeneur


Hi, I'm Marek Narkiewicz đź‘‹

I'm a CEO, CTO and Entrepeneur

AI Fundamentals - What is ChatGPT?

4 minutes
September 27, 2023

What ChatGPT is and what it isn’t 🤖

AI generated visualisation of ChatGPT as described by ChatGPT

AI generated visualisation of ChatGPT as described by ChatGPT

Hello Friends!

Today, I’m going to bring a fascinating topic into the light that has been making waves in the world of technology—ChatGPT. I’ll try break it down in the simplest terms to help everyone understand what it is and what it is not.

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is a creation of OpenAI, and it’s essentially a computer program designed to understand and generate human-like text. Imagine having a conversation with someone who has read a lot of books and articles and can help you with various questions and topics—that’s ChatGPT!

It’s like a virtual assistant that can help you with a range of tasks, like answering questions, writing emails, or even creating content. You type something in, and ChatGPT responds with text that it generates based on what it has learned during its training.

How Does ChatGPT Work?

ChatGPT is trained through a method called machine learning, which is a bit like teaching a child to speak and understand a language. It goes through extensive training, reading vast amounts of text from the internet and books, and learning how words and phrases are structured to make coherent sentences.

It learns patterns, acquires knowledge on myriad topics, and picks up on the nuances of human conversation. It doesn’t have thoughts, feelings, or consciousness; instead, it generates responses based on patterns it has learned.

What ChatGPT is NOT

Now, it’s crucial to understand that while ChatGPT is remarkable, it’s not a human. It doesn’t have emotions, beliefs, desires, or consciousness. It can’t think or understand context in the way humans do, and it doesn’t have personal experiences or intuition.

Moreover, ChatGPT doesn’t have access to real-time or the most up-to-date information. Its knowledge is based on the text it was trained on, and it doesn’t “know” current news or real-time events unless it has been updated with that information.

ChatGPT doesn’t have a memory of past interactions; every conversation with it doesn’t have a history. So, it won’t remember what you talked about yesterday or even a few minutes ago.

Broad Uses of ChatGPT

ChatGPT can be a handy tool in numerous ways, depending on how we choose to use it. Here are a few broad uses:

  1. Content Creation: It can assist writers in drafting content, brainstorming ideas, and editing text.
  2. Education and Learning: It can serve as a supplementary learning tool, providing explanations and answers on a range of topics.
  3. Customer Support: Many businesses employ ChatGPT to handle routine customer queries, providing quick responses and freeing up human agents to handle more complex issues.
  4. Programming Assistance: It can help programmers by suggesting code snippets and solving coding queries.
  5. Language Translation: It can translate text between different languages, acting as a helpful tool for travelers and multilingual individuals.

In Conclusion

ChatGPT is a sophisticated and innovative tool that has become a game-changer in various fields by mimicking human conversation and generating coherent, relevant text based on its training. It’s a program that learns from text patterns and can be a valuable aid in writing, learning, customer support, and more.

However, it is imperative to remember that it is not a human mind. It doesn’t think, feel, or possess consciousness, memory, or real-time awareness. While it mimics understanding and conversation, it doesn’t genuinely understand or perceive the world as we do.

The best way I’ve had ChatGPT explained, is that it’s like having a conversation with someone when they aren’t paying attention properly. We all know that when we’re focused on another task, we can sometimes allow our brains to respond to someone without being fully aware of it. We might come up with a sophisticated response, but we might not as well. ChatGPT is like that, but with vastly better trained responses that have a much better chance of being relevant and useful.

As we navigate this evolving technological landscape, it’s important to approach such tools with a balanced perspective, recognizing their potential benefits and limitations. By leveraging ChatGPT wisely, we can harness its capabilities to facilitate various tasks while being mindful of its inherent constraints. Just remember the comparison above, and always read its output carefully.